invalidTranslationPathErr = -3025 •Source type to destination type not a valid path
unresolvedComponentDLLErr = -3004
componentDontRegister = -3003
componentNotCaptured = -3002
validInstancesExist = -3001
invalidComponentID = -3000
cfragLastErrCode = -2899 •The last value in the range of CFM errors
cfragOutputLengthErr = -2831 •An output parameter is too small to hold the value
cfragAbortClosureErr = -2830 •Used by notification handlers to abort a closure
cfragClosureIDErr = -2829 •The closure ID was not valid
cfragContainerIDErr = -2828 •The fragment container ID was not valid
cfragNoRegistrationErr = -2827 •The registration name was not found
cfragNotClosureErr = -2826 •The closure ID was actually a connection ID
cfragFileSizeErr = -2825 •A file was too large to be mapped
cfragFragmentUsageErr = -2824 •A semantic error in usage of the fragment
cfragArchitectureErr = -2823 •A fragment has an unacceptable architecture
cfragNoApplicationErr = -2822 •No application member found in the cfrg resource
cfragInitFunctionErr = -2821 •A fragment's initialization routine returned an error
cfragFragmentCorruptErr = -2820 •A fragment's container was corrupt (known format)
cfragCFMInternalErr = -2819 •An internal inconstistancy has been detected
cfragCFMStartupErr = -2818 •Internal error during CFM initialization
cfragLibConnErr = -2817 •
cfragInitAtBootErr = -2816 •A boot library has an initialization function (System 7 only)
cfragInitLoopErr = -2815 •Circularity in required initialization order
cfragImportTooNewErr = -2814 •An import library was too new for a client
cfragImportTooOldErr = -2813 •An import library was too old for a client
cfragInitOrderErr = -2812 •
cfragNoIDsErr = -2811 •No more CFM IDs for contexts connections etc
cfragNoClientMemErr = -2810 •Out of memory for fragment mapping or section instances
cfragNoPrivateMemErr = -2809 •Out of memory for internal bookkeeping
cfragNoPositionErr = -2808 •The registration insertion point was not found
cfragUnresolvedErr = -2807 •A fragment had 'hard' unresolved imports
cfragFragmentFormatErr = -2806 •A fragment's container format is unknown
cfragDupRegistrationErr = -2805 •The registration name was already in use
cfragNoLibraryErr = -2804 •The named library was not found
cfragNoSectionErr = -2803 •The specified section was not found
cfragNoSymbolErr = -2802 •The specified symbol was not found
cfragConnectionIDErr = -2801 •The connection ID was not valid
1)cfragFirstErrCode •The first value in the range of CFM errors
2)cfragContextIDErr •The context ID was not valid = -2800
errASInconsistentNames = -2780 •English errors:
errASNoResultReturned = -2763 •The range -2780 thru -2799 is reserved for dialect specific error codes. (Error codes from different dialects may overlap)